Sunday, April 19, 2015

"The Way" film

Yesterday, I watched this movie again and it is always good to see it.   It's a beautiful story of the human condition, all its ups and downs.  The loss, the pain, the struggles, the tears, the joy, the laughter, and love.  When you do things out of love, rather than fear, that's all there is.

In a poignant scene of "The Way", Tom lays a stone at the foot of the Cross of Iron  (Cruz del ferro), as is tradition for pilgrims, and recites the prayer:

“Lord, may this stone, a symbol of my efforts on the pilgrimage that I lay at the foot of the cross of the Saviour, one day weigh the balance in favor of my good deeds when the deeds of my life are judged. Let it be so.”


Sunday, April 5, 2015


Today our Lenten journey concludes with culmination of Jesus' mission - victory over death and sin.  His love for us is visible through the pages of the Gospels.  His healings, His miracles, the times He was moved with pity, the times that He wept.  Yes, God wept with us.  He joined us in our sorrow, our temptations, our sufferings, and joys.  His love visible in each station of the cross, as He suffered His passion for us.  Each step along the way, moving closer to the climax in human history where sin and death are conquered.  Yet, we still sin.  We are still tempted.  Myself?  I'm still struggling, too, with forgiving, with resentments, with desires.  But, we can begin again when we stumble.  We can ask for God's grace to change our very nature and fill our hearts with His divine love, kindness, and understanding.  We can ask Him for forgiveness, and confess our sins.  I love you, Jesus.  Thank you.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


I heard a G.K. Chesterton quote recently  regarding the definition of mysticism: "passing through the moment when there is nothing but God."

Great quote.  In all things let's acknowledge  God's presence, love, and divine guidance.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.

Forgiveness.  Even as we, humanity, the creatures, were torturing Him, the Creator, nailed to the cross, he forgave us.  He knows our hearts better than we know ourselves.  I've been struggling with forgiveness...when I remember His prayer from the cross, it helps me to forgive.